
Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Total Health :: essays research papers fc

Nutrition is the science that deals with food and how the physical structure uses it. All living things read food to live. The food supplies energy, which people need to perform certainactions. feed also provides substances that the frame needs to build and repair its tissuesand to regulate its organs and organ systems.Food provides certain chemical substances needed in ordination for a person to maintain goodhealth. These chemical substances argon c wholeed nutrients. Nutrients enkindle perform threeimportant functions. They provide materials for building, repairing, or maintaining bodytissues. They servicing regulate body processes. They serve as fuel to provide energy. Thebody needs energy to maintain every(prenominal)(prenominal) its functions. People who do not get enough nutrients be sometimes lazy and ar defiant to work.The foods we eat contain thousands of different chemicals. Our body, however, onlyneeds only a few dozen of these chemicals in order to stay healthy . These are thenutrients that the body needs. Nutrients are divided into six main groups. They are(1) body of water, (2)carbohydrates, (3)fats, (4)proteins, (5)minerals, (6)vitamins. urine,carbohydrates, fats, and proteins are called macronutrients. Since macro means large, thebody needs these four nutrients in large amounts. Minerals and vitamins are calledmicronutrients (because micro means small). The body needs only small amounts ofthese nutrients. weewee is the most important nutrient. Our bodies can survive without other nutrients forseveral weeks, still we can only go without water for about one week. Water is needed ingreat amounts because the body consists largely of water. Between 50 and 75 percent of anormal persons body weight is do up of water. The body needs water to carry out allof its life processes. Watery solutions help dissolve other nutrients and carry them to allof the tissues. The body also needs water to carry away redundance products and to cool itself.Ad ults should drink about 2 1/2 quarts of water every day.The carbohydrates, fats, and proteins are needed because they have nutrients whichprovide energy. Carbohydrates include all sugars and starches. They are the main source of energy forliving things. There are two types of carbohydrates, wide and complex. Simplecarbohydrates include sugars and have a simple molecular structure. Complexcarbohydrates include starches and have a larger and more than complicated molecularstructure. The structure consists of many simple carbohydrates linked together.Fats are a highly concentrated source of energy. All fats are undisturbed of an alcoholcalled glycerol and substances called fat person acids. A fatty acid consists of a long chain ofcarbon atoms. There are three types of fatty acids.

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