
Monday, September 30, 2019

Code Of Conduct A Set

They can be counted up to 3, if they get a 3 they eave to go for a time out In another classroom to reflect on their behavior and actions. They spend a minute for each year of their age In time out. – Attendance policy – rewards are given for the children that attend school every day for the year. Each child that attends school every day for a term gets a certificate home. There is also a class attendance award which is given every Friday to the class who had the best attendance the previous week. – Ann-bullying policy: all children know school's take a zero tolerance attitude towards bulling.Any child found to bullying will be dealt with according to the school's policy. 1. 2 All staff in the school must be made aware of all the policies and procedures in place. They must follow each one if necessary. All staff should be consistent with the way they carry out the policies and procedures to ensure the children respond positively, if there Is Inconsistency within the behavior managing then It Is likely that pupil learning will suffer. Pupils should know of the rewards policy and the discipline policy and should know the consequences of their actions and behavior.All staff, whether it be support staff, midday supervisors or senior members of staff should all have the same status when disciplining a child. They should all follow the same steps and reach the same outcome (time out). This will give the pupils better and clearer boundaries for them to follow. Encouraging and rewarding positive behavior lets the children know and reminds them that their behavior is noticed and accounted for. Some children may get the impression that more emphasis is on the bad behavior because that may be what is pointed out more often.Giving the incentive of a reward gives motivation to do well, but also reassurance that It's not only bad behavior that gets the teachers attention. Whilst It's Important to reward all children It Is also equally, If not more Import ant to reward and encourage those children who tend to be told off more than the others. This may be down to a medical condition they have, but to ensure they don't feel victimized or singled out, their positive behavior needs rewarding. Research shows that for every negative thing we do, we need 6 positives to cancel out the negative.We need to be careful not to purely focus on the negatives all the time as some times this can happen when things become busy and unreasoned. Children will learn that reward, they will register the feeling they get when praised and will want that feeling again; so consequently will continue to behave well in order to be praised. 3. 2 Sometimes you will find yourself in a situation where to have to deal with someone's behavior or discipline them without having prior experience, this problem should be raised with someone who is more experienced than you and they will be able to vive you advice on what to do.Whilst you may be experienced enough or feel co nfident enough to deal with problems on your own, there are some situations where other members of staff should be present. These include: – When pupils are a danger to themselves and/or anyone around them – If you are dealing with a pupil whose behavior is unpredictable and you don't feel comfortable on your own – If you aren't in control of a situations and/or pupil aren't following your instructions – If the incident is serious enough to need the involvement of a senior member of staff.Depending on the severity of the situation and the pupil's involved you may need to refer to different members of staff. Sometimes it may Just be support from another member of staff (for example if you need to team teach a child), but in other cases you may need specialist support. These are the people within school who can give specialist support: ESSENCE or supervisor, other teachers or support staff and Head Teacher or Deputy Head. There are also people outside of th e school who can give specialist support. There include: behavior unit, educational psychologists and councilors.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Critical Response on “Society”

â€Å"If all of this influence that this part of the country has and this musical scene has- if it doesn’t do anything with it, that would be the tragedy. † That’s Eddie Vedder talking about Seattle and the way of thinking that arose in a place laden with culture by the subgenre Grunge at that time, 1996. Moreover, the quote explains the critical stance taken in the song â€Å"Society† written by Jerry Hanan but performed by Vedder and Hanan in 2007 for the soundtrack of the movie â€Å"Into the wild† directed by Sean Penn.The context of the song formed it’s theme as, in a different time or place or language or for a different audience, the outcome would most likely have differed. â€Å"Society† echoes the values of Jon Krakauer, protagonist of â€Å"Into the wild, whose diary entries are the basis of the film. These are transcendalist views on a society that is incapable of working in harmony with nature and thereby giving one no opt ion but to exile oneself to freedom in nature. Both Hanan and Vedder have a tendency to reflect on these ideals making the song all the more suiting to the film, whose viewers are also the primary audience for the track.The English language and free speech in the USA allowed Vedder to write as he wished without constraints. â€Å"We have a greed with which we have agreed† is wordplay at its finest, which could not have been expressed so poetically and still loaded with meaning in a language like German, which often just isn’t as viable for musical purposes. The time and place were also vital in the use of language as it is clearly critical: â€Å"Society, you’re a crazy breed. In a country with censorship or where opposing the governmental system is punishable like in Soviet Russia of the mid-20th century, a lyricist would not have been able to express oneself so openly and would have had to rely more on symbols, imagery and metaphors to get their message acros s. Even though limited in quantity, literary devices were used with quality like in â€Å"Your thoughts begin to bleed† which is a metaphor for the disability of his society to think of the consequences of their ignorant behaviour and at the same time is a hyperbole with personification.If the song hadn’t been written in a country currently plagued by consumerism and greed, the theme discussed would not have the contemporary relevance it does to listeners in the Anglophonic world. Just the way the USA is famed for its decadence, it is also a well-known place for critics of this behaviour. Had this been written in the 1960’s or now, as long as still in America or Western Europe, the final result wouldn’t have varied much.The stance taken in the text is one that’s already visible in texts like â€Å"Walking† by Henry David Thoreau in 1854, who happened to also be an inspiration to Jon Krakauer. A quote from â€Å"Walking† that effective ly portrays these values is â€Å"In Wilderness is the preservation of the World†. Proven by this is, that time does play a role even though at numerous times in the past of the USA, when a social class shared such views, like the Beat Generation, a similar text could have been written.Those who chose to indulge in the movie also had a certain expectation of the soundtrack, that of it fitting in and expressing the same views. This gave Vedder’s song on the soundtrack a certain expectation from the audience he had to fulfil, which he clearly did. The point being though, had this been a movie created to portray different ideals like the life of a banker who is pleased with capitalism, then the author would have had to adapt accordingly if he still wanted his piece accompanying the images fed to the viewer and being accepted.Even though the song is only an adaptation of Vedder, its message isn’t open to a wide-range of interpretations and only the perception of it will vary from reader to reader. The general beliefs presented can’t be seen as something different, no matter what one’s background may be, than what is portrayed but the reaction might affect the understanding of the text. A dismissive attitude is taken by the singer (in first-person) who later on in the song isolates himself by referring to society first as â€Å"we† and later on as â€Å"you† and singing â€Å"I hope you’re not lonely without me† in the chorus.Even though this song has clear values of anti-commercialism: â€Å"When you want more than you have†, it explains itself and isn’t meant to be offensive to anyone: â€Å"I hope you’re not angry if I disagree† but still carries the intention to open our eyes making it all the more effective. The text would have been written differently in another place or time because the theme might have been irrelevant; in a different language it may have been limited in its poetical depth or by censorship and another audience with other expectations could have also created a completely different song.This shows the extent to which language and cultural context have moulded this text to make it what it is. Variance in one of the factors, place, time, language and audience, could have produced different lyrics with other values but as some places share similar beliefs around the same time, a piece like this could be produced elsewhere at some other time for a different audience too. ——————————————– [ 1 ]. Vedder, Eddie. Interview for Hype! Magazine (1996) [ 2 ]. Vedder, Eddie. â€Å"Society†(2007) [ 3 ]. http://www. britannica. com/EBchecked/topic/593225/Henry-David-Thoreau [ 4 ]. Thoreau, Henry David

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Arthur Miller’s The Crucible In connection to McCarthyism Essay

â€Å"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.† History is a â€Å"chronological record of events.† These events, whether positive or tragic, often repeat themselves. The McCarthy Hearings that took place in the 1950’s are a good example of this. The accusations of communism led to a nation-wide hysteria and fear of who was going to be named next. When this was over, the hope would be that nothing like it would ever happen again and nothing like it had ever happened before. However, we have not only repeated it on various occasions, but through Arthur Miller’s The Crucible, we also see the parallel of the event with the Salem Witch hunts that took place years before the hearings. The connection between The Crucible and the McCarthy Hearings is not an isolated one, but can also be made with other historical and current events that are happening today. Arthur Miller wrote The Crucible in response to The McCarthy Hearings. These two events can be connected in many ways; for example, people in each situation used hysteria for their own good. â€Å"Joseph McCarthy was a flagrant self-promoter† and extremely power-hungry. (Schrecker 242) He believed that by accusing people in high positions of having ties with communism that he would become a more respected figure. McCarthy’s accusations were based upon little to no evidence and of the tens of thousands accused, only a handful was actually persecuted. (Fried) â€Å"Throughout the early 1950’s, McCarthy continued to make accusations of communist infiltration of the U. S. government, though he failed to provide evidence†¦ These charges received extensive media attention, making McCarthy the most famous political figure in the nation after President Harry Truman. He was also one of the most criticized.† (Appleton History) McCarthy’s claims were givi ng him his desired attention and praise. He was already at a respected level in the government, however he desired more. In October 1953, McCarthy began investigating communist infiltration the United States Military. (Fried) When Army Chief of Staff Omar Bradley was accused, McCarthy’s popularity went down. Omar Bradley was a highly respected man and a true patriot. This can be connected to The Crucible because of what the main character, Abigail, does to get what she wants. Originally, all Abigail wants is a man, John Proctor. She accuses John Proctor’s wife of witchcraft in order to have  him all to herself. As Abigail realizes the empowerment she has gained, she begins blaming other innocent people of witchcraft. Eventually she becomes mad with power and blames Judge Hawthorne’s wife. â€Å"Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.† McCarthy and Abigail both gained power through their accusations, and their desire for more power led to their demise. Another similarity between McCarthyism and The Crucible is that in both situations, people blamed others to save themselves. During the McCarthy Hearings, the only way to lower the charges against you was to expose another person working for the communists. Because of this, people were wrongly accused and punished. In the Salem witch trials, people were also released if they revealed someone who has â€Å"made a compact with Lucifer.† An additional similarity between McCarthyism and The Crucible was that there were explainable events that sparked the hysteria. In the McCarthy hearings, McCarthy’s false accusations sparked it. The hysteria could have been prevented simply if people were not so easily scared by the accusations and they took the time to examine their validity. In The Crucible, the event that sparked the hysteria was when the girls were dancing in the woods. This event could have been easily explained without tying it to witchcraft and many lives could have been saved. McCarthyism and The Crucible also have many differences. For example, the witchcraft in The Crucible was unbelievable and the testimonies were from children. If people in the village used reason, they could have determined the accusations were false. Joseph McCarthy was a respected general and had ties to the government. This made his claims very convincing and much more believable than the allegations made by children. Another difference was that the McCarthy hearings were on much larger scale than the Salem Witch hunts. In the McCarthy hearings nearly 10,000 people were affected, many of whom lost their jobs and their lives ruined. (Schrecker) The Salem Witch Trials were on a much smaller scale; only about 140 were affected. (Boyer) A third difference was that anyone who was accused of being a witch and did not confess or expose someone else was hung. Although more people were affected, no one was ever killed during the McCarthy Hearings. Hysteria is defined as â€Å"behavior exhibiting excessive or uncontrollable emotion, such as fear or panic.† The McCarthy Hearings and the Salem Witch Trials were both hysterias. â€Å"McCarthy did not create the communist problem, but he exploited it shamelessly for political ends, accusing the Democrats in general with baseless, sweeping, shotgun allegations. He was a master of the sound bite, and played the press like a harp†. (Pinto) This was a time when people were afraid of war and the spread of communism. Because of this, they were easy victims to be caught up in the hysteria. McCarthy accused people to have ties with communism based on little evidence and thousands of people were wrongly accused. â€Å"Joe McCarthy was nosier, more impulsive, and more skillful in gaining publicity than the rest of the anticommunist network.† (Schrecker 242) McCarthy was good at spreading his message and got people scared of what could happen. The Salem Witch Hunts were also based on hysteria rather than facts or evidence. Puritans believe in The Supremacy of Divine Will in which God is absolute. (Reuben) When the girls were seen dancing in the woods, it caused panic in the town that â€Å"the devil is loose in Salem.† No actual evidence of anyone practicing witchcraft was presented, but accusations were made and the hysteria began. McCarthyism and The Salem Witch Trials are not the only examples of hysteria that occurred in history. Other events have had similar effects throughout history, causing impacts to society and to individuals. One example is the Japanese Internment Camps of the 1940’s and 50’s that changed the lives of about 120,000 Japanese Americans. (Sakurai 16) â€Å"Frightened children clutched their parents’ hands. The adults were scared, too, but they tried hard not to show their fear. Armed soldiers herded the families onto the trains and buses that would carry them far away from their comfortable homes. The United States government was sending Japanese Americans to bleak prison  camps. How could such a terrible thing come to pass?† (Sakurai 3) December 7th, 1941 Japan bombed the military base at Pearl Harbor. This began the discrimination against Japanese Americans. Until the attack on Pearl Harbor occurred, the United States had been very firm about staying out of World War II; however, this unprovoked act forced a declaration of war on Japan. This caused fear and anger against the Japanese Americans. â€Å"Japanese Americans had done nothing wrong, but they shared a common ancestry with the enemy pilots who bombed Pearl Harbor.† (Sakurai 8) In The Fall of 1942, Japanese Americans were put in permanent relocation centers, isolating them from the rest of the world. This racist hysteria discriminated people not for their actions, but because of their looks and ancestry. This compares to the McCarthy Era and to the Salem witch trials because in each circumstance people were accused of being part of something to â€Å"be feared†. The accusations did not have any basis in this situation, except the physical features of the accused. â€Å"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.† The likelihood of hysteria, such as the McCarthy Hearings or the Salem witch trials, developing today is not only very probable, it is evident. Although there is very little chance that anyone is going to be convicted of being a witch like in Salem, people are still very scared of today’s â€Å"witches†. Since 9/11, our â€Å"witches† are those people who look different. They come from any place in the Middle East. It does not matter which of those countries they are from, or even if they were born here in the United States. Just the color of their skin, their dress, their religious beliefs, or their accents make them suspicious of being a terrorist. They have been searched, harassed, fired from jobs, physically harmed, and discriminated against. Our lives were drastically changed by what happened on September 11th, but our reaction has not changed much since the witch trials of Salem or the McCarthy Hearings. We truly have not learned from the lessons of the past and it is impossible to say if we ever will. Whether it is the fear of witchcraft, communism, war, diseases, or terrorism, it is easy to see that people are persuaded very quickly. There is no need for fact or proof, just a convincible  McCarthy or Abigail to make the accusations and start the hysteria. Perhaps that is why â€Å"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.† Works Cited Appleton History. 21 Apr. 2003. 12 Dec. 2003 . Belfrage, Cedric. The American Inquisition: A Profile of the ‘McCarthy Era’. New York: Thunder’s Mouth P, 1989. 183-275. Boyer, Paul, and Steven Nissenbaum. The 1692 Salem Witch Trials: . 1997. 10 Dec. 2003 . Fried, Albert. Learning Curve. The National Archives. 8 Dec. 2003 . Pinto, Jason. The Crucible Project. 2003. 6 Dec. 2003 . Reuben, Paul P. â€Å"Chapter 1: Puritanism & Colonial Period: to 1700.† PAL: Perspectives in American Literature- A Research and Reference Guide. URL: http://www.csustan.edu/english/reuben/pal/chap1/chap1.html Sakurai, Gail. Japanese American Internment Camps. New York: Childrens P, 2002. 1-48. Schrecker, Ellen. Impact Of McCarthyism. 1995. 10 Dec. 2003 . Schrecker, Ellen. Many Are The Crimes: McCarthyism In America. Boston: Little, Brown, And Company, 1998. 1-550.

Friday, September 27, 2019

African American Final Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

African American Final - Essay Example Slavery, otherwise known as forced as labor, was a form of human power that existed legally from the early colonial period. Slavery became illegal in the Northwest Territory following a declaration set forth by the Congressi. Following these struggles towards freeing the black people from the York of their masters, whites, many scholars, and researchers put down into writing many scholarly articles explaining in chronology what really happened back in those days. Present in the list of these scholars are Donald Wright, Deborah Gray White, and John Hope Franklin among others. Apart from these acclaimed writers, there were great fictional works presented in form of images and ideas in the Jubilee, Amistad, and Glory. Their main feature focuses on slavery in America and gives a clear understanding about its end. Introduction Once more, slavery gained its grip in 1800 despite its illegality due to the rise of cotton industry. However, in 1807, it became illegal and punishable. At this po int, cases abolishing slavery and its expansion were rampant whereby a small number of abolitionists from the North denounced the act as sinful. These sentiments faced great opposition from anti-slavery forces who rejected the move claiming that it was detrimental and inflicted the rights of free men. In spite of rising attempts to comprise slave abolishment, eleven states that broke away in 1861 joined forces and formed the Confederate States of America. This indicated that, all the attempted compromises failedii. To give slavery a natural death, the 1862 Union vowed to make slave abolition a war to win and in 1865, all the slaves within the Untied States of America were free and their owners received no compensation. In this essay, I will seek to organize and develop a thoughtful writing on the end of slavery in the United States. African Americans and the end of slavery in the United States Documented evidence asserts that, people of African American decency played a major role t owards the abolishment of slavery in America. All this was because of a mistake committed in the 1619 when the first African slaves set foot on the American soil in Virginia. The invention of the cotton gin by Eli Whitney in 1793 gave rise to increased demand for more slaves. However, seeing what they were undergoing, some enslaved African Americans such as Gabriel Prosser who was a blacksmith, planned to organize a slave revolt aimed at marching on Richmond, Virginia. Upon uncovering their conspiracy, the state federal fugitive law authorized hanging of Prosser in conjunction with a number of the rebels. African Americans, in addition to the whites, acted figuratively in view of ending slavery in Americaniii. Great people like Denmark Vesey who was an African American carpenter, purchased his freedom to become a slave abolishment activist. He planned a slave revolt intending to lay siege in a place on Charleston, South Carolina. The most significant role was that of the enslaved Af rican American Preacher, Nat Turner since he led the most intuitive uprising of slavery in the American History. Together with his band of followers, Turner launched a short but bloody rebellion in the county of Southampton in Virginia. Additionally, the publishing of the weekly paper, Liberator, by William Lloyd Garrison advocated and led to full abolition of slavery upon creating complete awareness of freedom. The Liberator gave rise to the publishing of the Uncle Tom’s Cabin Novel by Harriet Stowe. This novel sparked a great deal of anti-slavery sentiments, which were highly influential. President Lincoln tops the list of all the

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Car company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Car company - Essay Example The political, economic, legal, ecological and technological environment has an impact on the progress of the retail business. The profit potential within the target market is promising for the company but a competitive advantage is aimed to be reached over the already established competitors through application of appropriate strategy in the marketing mix. The staffing policy of FastCar Motors is in line with the legal framework of the government and it seeks to develop and train the employees to ensure that they have knowledge on the application of technology in the care retail business to facilitate the growth of the company. The directors of the FastCar Motors comprise of the management team of the company who include the company CEO, the General Manger, Sales Manager and Human Resource Manager whose roles are stipulated in the organizational structure. The automobile industry within the UK is growing at a very fast pace with the implementation of modern technology in the production of automobiles especially sports cars such as Daimler, McLaren, Aston Martin, Rolls-Royce and Lotus. The car producers in the UK such as Toyota, Ford, Nissan and Honda have established themselves in the automobile business over time despite the challenges and competition within this industry. Chatal, Haugh and Mourougane (2010) say that since the 19th century the automobile industry in the UK has developed in terms of production and export. There was notable decline in the rate of growth of the car manufacturing industry in the UK as compared to the competing companies in Japan, France and Germany before 2008. The growth of the car manufacturing industry of the UK began to be experienced after 2008 with the country being rated among the producers of large car volumes. This is in contrast to the early 1980s when many British car manufacturers were owned by foreign firms. The UK car manufacturing industry can therefore be

Court Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Court Report - Essay Example The crimes and misdemeanors which the crown court holds it session for, include murders, manslaughter, and organized terrorism. The criminal offenses dealt in the crown court are divided into three classes according to the gravity of the crime. Class I offenses usually involve crimes on a large scale such as genocide, treason, and murder, which are exclusively under the jurisdiction of a high court judge. Class II offenses include incest, rape and manslaughter and such cases are also tried by a high court judge but they may also be tried by a circuit judge occasionally. Class III offenses are not handled by a high court judge unless the presiding judge’s consent is obtained and these offenses usually entail other instances of crimes and misdemeanors. (Jason-Lloyd, 1997, 18-21)The harshest sentence handed out by the judge is a life sentence and other ways of penalizing the offender such as community service, confiscation of property, discharges, and fines. Throughout my entire time in the courtroom, there was no case pertaining to organized terrorism and most of the defendants that were produced in the court were largely males, and mainly fell in the age range of 15 and 20. (YCAP. 2010)Most of the offenders were extremely young and this observational finding is vastly in concurrence with the statistical evidence that states that around 30% of the youth are involved in such activities. Other cases presented in the court were also instances of domestic violence and conflicts. (YCAP. 2010) Most of the issues and cases arose not only because of conflicts between complete strangers but also between people who knew each other and even family members came forth with grave instances of criminal offences. In one case, a young 18 year-old man was charged with assaulting a police officer at his place of residence due to some domestic dispute that led to the clash. (Smith, 2009; Rieff, 2001, 42-47) Though, I deem myself vastly naive as during my entire time in the co urtroom I was expecting

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

WHAT IS ARISTOLES VIEW IN VIRTUE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

WHAT IS ARISTOLES VIEW IN VIRTUE - Essay Example First of all, according to Aristotle, moral virtue is defined by action, or in short, â€Å"we learn by doing them† (II.1). This means that virtue is not inherent in man’s nature but that man possesses the potentiality to practice virtue. Virtues are not an inborn quality of man but rather something that is acquired through practice. In the Ethics, Aristotle gives an example: â€Å"By doing the acts that we do in our transactions with other men we become just or unjust† (II.1). This means that a man is known as just not because of his nature but because he has demonstrated justice to others through his own acts. No one can say someone is good unless that someone has done good deeds. For Aristotle, action must precede virtue and character. It is therefore not that man is doing good things because he is good – but rather man is good because he is doing good things. The idea of defining virtue as an action-based principle would then imply that its demonstration is actually a matter of choice (II.3). The idea of ascribing virtue as subject to man’s choice now becomes the basis of responsibility. Furthermore, Aristotle explains this by showing that virtue concerns itself with pleasures and pains and that it seeks the advantageous, the noble and the pleasant while it seeks to avoid the base, the injurious and the painful (II.3). Therefore, for Aristotle, virtue is something that is utilitarian or pleasure-seeking and pain-avoiding, unlike vice, which is its opposite. Although people would generally equate vice with evil, and virtue with goodness, Aristotle clarifies the meaning of virtue by defining it as a mean between two vices, one an excess and the other a lack: â€Å"Virtue is a kind of mean, since, as we have seen, it aims at what is intermediate† (II.6). For example, in terms of appetite, the vice of lacking pleasure

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Deception in the investigative, interrogation, and testimonial Essay

Deception in the investigative, interrogation, and testimonial processes - Essay Example The fact is that the law often supports police detection, although police action is limited without an arrest or search warrant. The police conduct detection within a contradictory moral order wherein certain fidelities fuse with certain betrayals (Skotnick). The detection process has three stages and deception can and does occur in any or all of these (Skotnick, 1985). These are investigation, interrogation and testimony. Within the policeman's broad moral cognition, the acceptability of deception depends on the level of criminal process: It is most acceptable to the police and the courts at the investigation stage, less during interrogation and least at the testimonial stage in the courtroom. Increasingly stringent normative constrains account for the differences among the levels and stages. Courtroom testimony is given under oath, whereby witnesses sweat to tell only the truth and nothing but the truth. It is the norm to accept that a witness is telling the truth in court. Courtroom lying violates the basic justice system, which all the parties are assumed to uphold. A policeman who lies in the courtroom can work his way out of his predicament by insisting that judicial interpretations of his limitations can get on the way of his abil ity of performing his job. This appears to be true within the context of the forces, which operate within the investigative stage of an adversary system, wherein the end justifies the means. The policeman seems to have the "privilege" of lying to get to the truth in achieving justice through due process (Skotnick). It may be quaint and a contradiction of values and norms but it is also factual that police freely admit to deceiving suspects and defendants to catch them, yet lying policemen and detectives do not admit to committing perjury (Skotnick, 1985). Perjury is as systematic as police work and police know among themselves that they perjure as a norm rather than as an individual error. A study, conducted by Columbia law students on the effect of Mapp v. Ohio on police practices in New York City, on certain search and seizure cases showed that uniformed police fabricated grounds for arrest in narcotics cases in meeting the requirements of Mapp. This does not justify but only explains how police who falsely witness justify the practice for the sake of greater persuasiveness. They resort to lying as routine of shaking themselves out of a predicament or helping one another out of it and because of a skeptical attitude towards a system, which is disinclined towards the truth that would be favor able to the criminal. The law allows a policeman to lie during the investigative stage but forbids it during the testimonial stage in the courtroom where and when he is certain of the guilt of the suspect, unlike during the investigative stage. The lying policeman puts more value on a short-term objective of suppressing evidence than on the long-term principle of due process in protecting the dignity of the accused. The policeman's pursuit is to legitimize the evidence he presents rather than weigh and analyze its sufficiency. He is merely after complying with the arrest laws, although this compliance often involves manipulation

Monday, September 23, 2019

Physician Assisted Suicide in the United States Research Paper

Physician Assisted Suicide in the United States - Research Paper Example The question then can turn to the reason for the action, whether passive or aggressive, that will end in death. One must contemplate whether or not it is always considered suicide if an action will inevitably end in death. If this is true, as Durkheim points out, then a soldier who bravely enters into a situation that is likely to end in death, but will save others, would also be committing suicide. However, the nature of the outcome is also not a part of the definition or the result of an action. In order to define a death a suicide, then, it is important to consider the intent of the action that will come to the result in death. In considering the different frames of action and thought when suicide is approached, it then shifts to consider the differences that can be appreciated in the reasons that one might wish to end their life. According to Holmes and Holmes, suicide is defined by taking an action that ends one’s life. They do not embellish or extend the discussion in th e way that Durkheim does, but they simply define the term as an active pursuit of the outcome of death. They further clarify the ambiguity of the term by saying â€Å"suicide is a behavior that differs from one person to another and from one time to another and has different motivations and anticipated gains† (2). Therefore, in defining suicide, one must understand that no clear definition applies, but that it is fluid and flexible depending on the variables involved in the event or events that lead to death. Every year, an approximate 30,000 people commit suicide within the United States. Suicide is the 11th most common cause of death, with homicide ranking at 14th. Suicide is the third leading... According to Hendin and Foley, â€Å"the World Health Organization recommendation (is) that governments not consider the legalization of physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia until they have demonstrated the full availability and practice of palliative care for all citizens† (2). This perspective of the argument does not completely deny the use of such assistance, but does suggest that because of inadequacies in the current system, the potential for abuse of assisted suicide does not allow for its use as a treatment.   Doctor Jack Kevorkian became the symbol for the other side of the debate in which the idea of helping people to pass more quickly when faced with a long term illness with no hope found a leader and a face in which to center the debate. In 1990, his first assisted suicide was conducted in which an Alzheimer’s patient named Janet Adkins was helped by Dr. Kevorkian to die. His methods were centered on devices that he built that made it easy for patient s to push a button and deliver a dose of medications that would end life. Therefore, when he was charged with murder tin the death of Adkins, Michigan, which had no laws against suicide at the time, had to release him as he did not, himself, deliver the medications that killed her (Nicol and Wylie 151).   Dr. Kevorkian aided more than 130 people towards self directed deaths and became known as ‘Dr. Death’ because of his activism and participation in assisted suicide (Nicol and Wylie 24). Dr. Kevorkian often become an adversary to the opposing opinion on the topic.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Winning Elections Essay Example for Free

Winning Elections Essay b) Traditionally, winning elections has been an aim of political parties subordinate to representing political views. However, more recently parties have been adjusting their ideology, possibly to make them more desirable to the majority of the electorate and thus gain political office. As suggested by McKie, recent elections have been less between competing philosophies, much more about which set of managers was likely to get better results. Both Labour, and the Conservatives have moved considerably towards the centre of the political spectrum in the past couple of decades, and if there are fundamental differences between the two parties, then at least one of them is failing to reflect properly the concerns of the middle ground voter. This convergence of party ideology is most probably a move by both parties to make them more attractive to middle England. It is perhaps now only extremist parties that are intent on representing political principles, and this may be a reason for the recent rise in popularity of parties such as the BNP. In the last election, 57% of manifesto pledges for the main parties were non-partisan and couldnt be countered be other parties, this is a mark of the lack of choice the electorate is presented with and illustrates how parties are no longer representing strong political views with each party catering for a different section of society. In 1992 all three major parties were pro-Maastricht, which proves that parties are just pursuing policies that will appeal to the majority of the electorate. Labour used to represent the views of the working class, and their ideology was distinctly socialist, but under Tony Blair, and previously Neil Kinnock, Labour has tried to distance itself from its core supporters and trade unions, as that relationship was a vote loser. This reinvention of Labour ideology has been very prominent in recent issues such as Labours intransigence in not raising the salary for firemen and not having a good relationship with the Fire Brigades Union. The reform of the party came after 17 years of Conservative rule, and it was accomplished by the abandonment of many of its distinctive policies that it had fought and lost of in previous elections. When Tony Blair dropped clause four, it was in order to change the party, and when party reform was fully complete, Labour returned to power. However, some of Labours policy changes may have been due to the shrinking working class, which used to make up the majority of their support. This change in social structure may also be attributable to the Conservatives move towards the centre, as social boundaries have shrunk, the middle class which they traditionally represented is not as easily defined anymore. In the period 1945-1979, policy differences between the two major parties were generally peripheral, and thus both major parties governed for roughly 17 years each. In the two elections where there were substantial and essential differences in social and economic policy (1945 1983), one of the two parties plunged to catastrophic defeat. This was due to both parties projecting the party ideology through policy, thus effectively representing political principles even if it was not going to get them elected. However, there are still some policies that distinguish the major parties from each other. The parties set ideological goals in order to establish the best way to run the country; therefore parties are offering representation of the major strands of opinion. Labours electoral success is partly dependent upon offering a clear and distinctive vision of the nations future, their recent move away from the left has perhaps been in the interest of the electorate, and it would lose Labour political credibility if the electorate suspected that their new stance was the result of opportunistic caution. If one was to argue that political parties simply wished to get elected and this is why they have similar policy, then perhaps it should be questioned why there used to be a very distinct difference between the major parties. This can only be because of changing social structures mentioned previously. Ultimately, there is no way of knowing whether parties simply wish to get elected rather than represent political principles. However, it is likely that getting elected is at the top of their agenda, and perhaps they wish to represent distinct principles when they are in power, however the current Labour government has been acting much like a Conservative government would on issues such as Iraq, and university tuition fees. This perhaps highlights the changing society that we live in which has different political needs than it has in the past century, and political parties have adapted to provide the best options for the electorates needs.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

King Arthur Vs Beowulf English Literature Essay

King Arthur Vs Beowulf English Literature Essay Numerous stories about numerous heroes have been told and retold. All of these heroes do different things and all of them have different sets of qualities which make them heroic. Due to the fact that there are only so many heroic adventures and qualities, most are shared in part with at least one other hero. Such is the case between the great hero, Beowulf, from the epic poem Beowulf, and King Arthur from the story of Morte Darthur. These great heroes have strong similarities and a great deal of differences. Once their similarities have been compared I find it evident that Beowulf is the greater hero of the two. True heroes do good things for good people. Such is the case in the story of Beowulf. Beowulf leaves his homeland to help the Danish people rid themselves of the man eating monster, Grendel. This heroic quality is also evident in Morte Darthur, where Arthur consciously rides into a battle in order to rid his people of an evil knight who would not allow others to pass. Both heroes are displaying their concern for others by risking their own lives in battle for the greater good. In the same aspect they are also striving to gain the love and respect of the people they protect In order to obtain maximum respect in each conflict, both Beowulf and Arthur enter into battle somewhat alone. Beowulf specifically asks, That he, alone and with the help of his men, may purge all evil from the hall. His request is granted by Hrothgar, King of the Danes, so he and his man enter into the battle themselves so that when Grendel is defeated, the glory, love and respect belong solely to Beowulf and his men. Arthur does the same, he met with his man and his horse, and so mounted up and dressed his shield and took his spear, and bade his chamberlain tarry there till he came again. Although Arthur begins his journey alone he does meet up with Merlin, the court magician and faithful companion, who accompanies him. Much like Beowulf, Arthur gains great respect and praise from his people by fighting alone, even though it is not necessarily the smartest thing to do. The characteristic of being fearless when faced with death is often a trait of heroes because it is associated with courage and strength. King Arthur and Beowulf are not afraid to die, thus showing their courage to their adversaries and followers. When Arthur is faced with death he declares, welcome be it when it cometh, but to yield me unto thee as cowardly I had liefer die than to be so shamed. Simply put, he would rather die than admit to defeat and being cowardly. Beowulf feels much the same way about death. He illustrates this by showing no fear for his own life but instead expressing concern for the honor of King Higlac by asking that, if death does take him, send the hammered mail of his armor to Higlac. In sending his King his armor it recommits himself to his country and lets his King be reminded of his bravery every time he looks upon it. That is the extent, from what I was able to interpret, of which Beowulf and King Arthur are similar. Beowulf has way more confidence in his fighting ability then Arthur has in his. This is evident in the fact that Beowulf fights Grendel unarmed and says my hands alone shall fight for me, struggle for life. His reasoning behind this is that Grendel is the scorn of men and is so great that he needs no weapons and fears none so nor will he (Beowulf). Facing Grendel unarmed shows that he is brave and, more importantly, unafraid to fight on an equal level with Grendel. Since Grendel is going to fight without the use of weapons, Beowulf creates equality and therefore earns himself even more respect by doing the same. The less confident King Arthur on the other hand fights only with weapons. Once his wounds were amended his first thought was, I have no sword, followed by the task of finding him one. This demonstrates Arthurs relative weakness in his dependence on weapons when held in comparison to Beowulfs willingness to fight a creature greater than himself with nothing but his bare hands. It is this that I feel best illustrates Beowulfs greatness. Beowulf is indeed the greater hero as the help he received from his men was minimal, not by fault of his men but by the fact that Grendel, had bewitched all mens weapons, laid spells that blunted every mortal mans blade, Since Beowulfs men could give him no help due to Grendels spell, he had to defeat the monster by himself, with his bare hands. Arthur on the other hand lost his battle. First Arthur lost a jousting match and then he lost on the ground when the knight smote King Arthurs sword in two pieces. Merlin had to come to his rescue at this point and, by using his magic, he put the knight to sleep for a period of three hours. So to recap, Beowulf defeated a monster with no aid from his companions and Arthur could not defeat a knight and instead had to rely on the aid of magic from Merlin. Even though both King Arthur and Beowulf are great heroes, I think that Beowulf emerges as the greater of the two. He does this through his successful feats, not through his heroic qualities. For when comparing the heroic qualities of Arthur and Beowulf they come up pretty even. Both demonstrate a great love for others as they both try to do good things for other people. Their differences in heroism might be due to the fact that Arthur is a young hero in comparison to Beowulf who is an experienced hero. Either way they, like most heroes, have similarities and differences which make them the characters that they are.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Influence of Age on Self-Description Changes

Influence of Age on Self-Description Changes Gemma L Sobah An investigation of self-descriptions in data collected from two children of different ages, and how their age influences the focal point of their self-descriptions using the findings of Rosenberg (1979) Abstract (166 words) This report investigates the self-descriptions of two children in using the findings of Morris Rosenberg (1979). Rosenberg proposed that young children typically describe themselves using physical conditions, and older children/adults tend to use character and relationship qualities. The two participants took part in an semi-structured interview and the interview transcripts were coded and analysed by dividing the answers into the four categories created by Rosenberg. These were physical, character, relationships or inner. The information and data from the two participants were then compared to Rosenbergs findings. The locus of self-knowledge was also investigated briefly, which Rosenberg stated changed from outside to inner relatedness, the older the child gets. From my findings, it appears my data does to some extent agree with the conclusions that Rosenberg came across as with age they do seem to make less physical descriptions, but there did seem to be a change from locus of self -knowledge from the parent to the individual, as the child got older. Introduction (289 words) The subject of identity and how we acknowledge our own has always be a matter of intense debate those in the field of child development. The many aspects of identity require that many outside aspects are considered when looking at the development of ones identity, like religious, social ethnic, cultural. for that reason, in order to develop an identity, young children should be able to consider such aspects. Maccoby (as cited in Ding and Miel 2005 p. 131) suggests that a sense of self occurs slowly and in small steps. William James (1892 as cited in Miel and Ding 2005 pp 131) thought that a sense of self is divided in two stages: the self as a subject of experience and the self as an thing of knowledge (Miel and Ding, 2005 pg. 131). So as children grow up they develop into people more capable at self-awareness and more practically involved in awareness and responses from other people in their lifes. James believed, this development takes place within childhoo d during interactions between cognitive aspects and social experiences as children actively use their received knowledge about themselves to change parts of their environment. The research for this study relates to the research above due to the age of the participants and the means of the interviews. The interviews are all based on who the child sees themselves as. The way they describe themselves will be the main focus of this study. Whether they dwell solely on their physical appearance or if they go through all the categories and if their responses differ between the two ages. Using Rosenbergs categories, we are hoping to get a clear understanding of whether Rosenbergs and others, work is relevant and can be applied generally. Method (414 words) The design of the study was a comparison of self descriptions elicited from two young people, during semi-structured interviews. The interviewers asked two schools in Milton Keynes, one primary and one secondary to take part in the study. A number of children agreed to take part and their parents were approached for consent and consent forms were signed. Kieron Sheehly interviewed the primary school children and Peter Barnes interviewed the older children. One of the participants was a 8 year old female in primary school and the other was a 16 year old female in secondary school. Both interviews were conducted during school hours within their schools. A tape recorder was used to record the interviews and paper and a pen was used for the children to write down their individual statements. A sound recorder and a producer were present during the interviews. Microphones were used during the interviews and these were placed out of the way as to not get in the way of the interview. All chi ldren were informed at the start of the interview what was going to happen and what was being asked of them. They were also informed who would be using the recording and or what purpose. The interviews were paused while the children wrote down their statements and started again when the interviewer wanted to ask them questions. As there was a potential for outside or background noise, when the background noises began to interfere with the interview, the recording was paused and started again when it became quiet enough to carry on. The two interviews were conducted by staff from the Milton Keynes Open university for the purpose of this study. These were watched and their transcripts were coded and analysed according to Rosenbergs method. Self descriptions of participants were categorised by Rosenberg , into four categories (a) physical; (b) character; (c) relationships d) Inner. The childrens statements were divided where a category could be acknowledged from a single statement (see Appendix 1 and 2) and if a statement could be split into more categories this was done. The percentages of each category were then calculated by way of adding up the column, dividing it by the total and this by 100. This was how each categories percentage was worked out for each child and then these results were then put into a table to show which categories had the highest or lowest percentages for each child. These were then compared and results were explained below. Results (275 words) The hypothesis in this research study was as the child got older there would be a gradual change from physical characteristics to inner and relationship characteristics whilst the locus of self-knowledge increasingly shifted from others to the self as child grew older. Self descriptions that came from I statements, were coded and placed into one of the four categories (see appendices 1). Table 1: Self-descriptions by the children. The Categories Percentage for Annie (8 years old) was : Physical -40% Character 40% Relationships -20% Inner 0% . The Categories Percentages for Kirsty (16 years old) was: Physical 20% Character 20% Relationships 20% Inner 40%. Table 1 (see appendices 5) shows us that the responses that Annie gave were quite equally divided across physical and characteristics, whilst Kirstys were evenly spread over all the categories with the highest percentage being on the inner section. . This appears to support the hypothesis as there was a steady change from physi cal descriptive to psychological descriptive the older the children get. Annies answers to the locus of self-knowledge questions were quite mixed. She showed outer locus of self-knowledge; her teacher knows best about her school work and performance and her mother seems to know best about her behaviour. Although this shows support to Rosenbergs theory and hypothesis it was only using 2 participants and because of this cannot be over generalised to the wider population, which in turn limits the use of the results. Also because Annie only completed five statements and Kirsty completed 10 this cold have impacted the percentage of the results due to kirsty having more data to input into the table. Discussion (682 words) In this research study, two children were chosen. One being at primary school and the other at secondary school, although they were both females, although a larger sample would have allowed for a better analysis of the conclusions in relation to the population. Although the results appeared to supported the Rosenbergs findings(Miel et al, 2010, pp. 21-22) no specific conclusion should be made from such a small sample. Piagets theory of cognitive development also shows this, which could suggest that at about the start of the teen years there is a change from the solid process of development into the final stage of official process .This appears to be the stage at which most adolescents start to create an individual identity and are then able to put into their own point of view and social information about what it means to become an adult and reflect with purpose, on their self consciousness. As the children were interviewed by adults, people they did not know, they may have given different answers to what they may have said to a friend who had asked them the same questions or had a adult that they knew. They could have given biased results due to the fact they were aware it was for a study and they knew the purpose of the study. So because of this the results cant be relied upon wholly to be accurate and true. Regardless of this the way a child describes themselves may be different depending on their level of education and upbringing. For example a child of no school education who cannot read and has limited education may not fully certain aspects of what it means to be them and therefore may give limited answers based on their knowledge and education. Also a child who has been abused or had a very negative start in life, may dwell on more emotional lead than physical lead statements due to them being hurt a lot and there state being very emotionally based. Further still, the way in which a child describes themselves may be purely on what appears to be important to them. Kirsty tended to focus on herself as not being able to change her dress size I am not a size 8 (see appendices 4) and not being able to change who she is in general. This focus may be mainly on how she feels she is perceived by others around her or how she views herself, not just due to her age but due to her current circumstances. From this study it shows that Rosenbergs first hypothesis about the locus of self-knowledge has on some accounts been shown as being correct, although the sample size was a lot smaller than Rosenbergs, also the age of the older participant being incompatible, with Rosenbergs research study. My assumption is to suggest that younger children do appear to describe themselves focusing mainly on their physical attributes and less on how they feel and their personality traits while adults concentrate mainly on their forming on relationships and the impact these have on their sense of self, although the change from physical external descriptions of the younger child to the personal and inner feelings of the older child or adult did not appear to prominent in these results. This study has pointed out the difficulty in trying to determine and discover the idea of sense of self and locus of self-knowledge, and can be used for an indicator to their inner feelings and thoughts of an person in th e process of their development. These descriptions are fluid and live within the communication and changes with others and over a period of time. The locus of self-knowledge also changes by age from child to adult self. Even though the original hypothesis has been somewhat proven to be in general in agreement with the findings of Rosenberg, there are a few practical issues connected in the research of existential and definite selves. More in-depth research involving a much bigger and mixed cultural sample with categorizing results from different researchers could help to prevent some of these issues. Conclusion (46 words) In conclusion, children grow and mature at different times. The progress of developing a sense of self relies on many factors (friendship groups, parents, peers, outer society, etc). Regardless is does appear to be clear that there is a development from physical towards psychological self descriptive. 1,872 words References: Miel, D., Ding, S (2005) Childrens Personal And Social Development: The Early Developmet of Identity,. Milton Keynes. The Open University Appendices 1 Category Analysis Form 1 Coded Responses Physical: describing physical appearance, age, and physical qualities like flexible, sporty etc Character: Likes and dislikes, hobbies and interests, personal qualities and basic personality traits eg, I like to relax, Im laid back etc Relationships: friends and family, social mentions, eg I like making friends Inner: Temperaments, moods and feelings. Eg Im a happy person, I can get stressed easily. etc Appendices 2 Category Analysis Form 2 Coded Responses Physical: describing physical appearance, age, and physical qualities like flexible, sporty etc Character: Likes and dislikes, hobbies and interests, personal qualities and basic personality traits eg, I like to relax, Im laid back etc Relationships: friends and family, social mentions, eg I like making friends Inner: Temperaments, moods and feelings. Understanding of self. Eg Im a happy person, I can get stressed easily. Etc Appendices 3 Annies Statements: 1. I like doing harry potter lego, Ive completed the night bus 2. I love rabbits, guinea pigs and dos 3. I think one of my hobbies is using the tv remote control 4. Im really good at maths and get stuck on telling the time 5. Im not very good at remembering Appendices 4 Kirstys statements: I cant change who I am I can only be my best Ive always been an individual I am not size 8 Im pretty plain I get on well with many people Im friendly and my friends are like family I work as hard as I can I may set my goals too high I can only be me and if some people dont like that, I cant apologise anymore Appendices 5 Table of Results 1

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Sythetic Weed Essay -- Drugs, Teenagers

Synthetic weed This is the best stuff ever you have to try it! This is what some kids would say to one another. They are talking about this drug named K2. It is becoming a trend in most teenagers. Teenagers are being admitted to the hospital more often now. They have found something that is legal and can buy around there home town or over the internet. Parents have never heard of this stuff before. It is scary to think that you cannot even tell if a child is taking K2 because there is no drug test to tell you. I think that K2 is worse than the real marijuana. There are symptoms that do come along with taking this drug as well as long term symptoms. Some people may feel that K2 is not as bad as marijuana. But here are the facts on marijuana. The most illegal drug in America is pot. Not always and not in everyone will pot effect people. When taken pot can trigger a mild euphoria and increased sensitivity to body sensations. Some people experience perceptual distortions and they are usually pleasant. The effects of pot usually climax within an hour or two and then tend to fade all at once in three to four hours. Pot isn’t a single molecule that is a drug like alcohol or cocaine. There is a mixture of about 400 different chemical elements. There are about 85 cannabinoids that are unique to pot. The main cannabinoid is THC that is the main chemical in marijuana that triggers the drugs actions and effects on the body. (A) Some people who smoke their brains have more receptors to the THC than other people and that will affect the experience the users will have with THC to get the high. (b) THC is the chemical that is like a bomb when it goes off but it makes you feel good, it breaks up into about 80 separate by... ...ad K2 is but K2 is the worst of the two. Even though marijuana has more chemicals and the high lasts long than K2, K2 has more symptoms that are more dangers. Such as the heart beating fast more than a minute like marijuana. Also K2 you are vomiting and kids are being taken to the hospital more often now. K2 also has the keys that lock into the receptors better than marijuana and that way you can get a better high. THC is weaker than the chemicals used in K2 also. All of this information shows that it is bad for you. Anything you put in your body that is a chemical has side effects and should be used with caution. The one thing that I wish they would do to stop kids from getting admitted to the hospitals is to inform the kids what they are getting themselves into. Kids think it is good because it is legal but they are not being informed on the dangers.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

African Creation Stories :: African Culture Creation Tales Essays

African Creation Stories Since the beginning of humankind, there has been one common thread that ties together all cultures and religions of the world: an attempt to explain their origins. this holds true for the numerous religious groups existing on the African continent. In the absence of science, they resorted to creating stories to account for what they did not and could not understand. While similar in their basic design and theory, these stories varies greatly in their content and meaning. By studying them, much can be learned about the African people of the present and past. The Shilluks of the Nile region, for example, tell a story in which humankind is fashioned out of clay. In each region of the world in which the creator traveled, he created humans from the materials available, making some white, others red or brown, and the Shilluk black. He then took a piece of earth and gave them arms, eyes, etc. This story says much about their values and culture. In distributing the characteristics to man, he chose first to give them the ability to do work through the use of their arms and legs. They were then given the ability to see and taste their food. Finally, they were given speech and hearing with which to entertain oneself ("An African Story"). This shows the value system at work among the Shilluk, that work comes above all else. It also attempts to explain the differences between men of various races by telling of how they came about. A West African creation tale explains how two spirit people were accidentally sent down to earth by the sky god. Lonely, the people decided to create children from clay, but feel they must hide them when the sky god comes down. Because they are hidden in fire, the children soon turn to various shades based on how long they had been exposed to the heat. Over time, these clay children grow up and move to various regions of the earth, ultimately populating it (Fader). Much like that of the Shillu k people, this story serves a two-fold purpose: it explains both the creation of man as well as accounts for the differences among him. This tale shows the West Africans value these differences because they feel that all men are created equal and should be treated as such. The Boshongo, a central Bantu tribe of the Lunda Cluster, tell a different story.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Analysis Cambodias Health System Health And Social Care Essay

Cambodia is one of the poorest states in South-east Asia, with about 34.7 % of its entire population life below the poorness line. Cambodia is still emerging from decennaries of civil war and political instability, which had lay waste toing effects on Her wellness systems, and although there has been steady betterment in Her wellness indexs in recent old ages, the wellness position of its populates is among the worst in the Asia and Pacific part, with high baby, kid and maternal mortality rates. The wellness sector reform which occurred after the war has resulted in singular successes in the national wellness system, nevertheless despite these successes, several challenges and issues still exist in the wellness system which could be addressed with executable schemes. Critical Analysis of cardinal challenges and successes within Cambodia ‘s wellness system: Administration agreements concentrating on organisation and direction of the wellness system: The administration agreement originated from the wellness sector reforms which lead to the formation of a three tier system-Central, Provincial and District degrees. The Central degree is being managed by the Minister of wellness as the main executive, and comprises of three directorates-Health, Finance and disposal, and Inspection, with their several board of directors generals who supervises and monitors the assorted subordinate sections and offices. The Provincial degree is being managed by the provincial managers who supervises service bringing and ensures effectual use of resources in their several operational territories. The territory degree is being managed through public-private partnership by territory wellness attention troughs and in-between degree troughs from the non-governmental Organizations who supervise wellness service bringing in their several territories. The public-private partnership in the direction of the territory degree by the ministry of wellness and non-governmental organisation has showed important success in accomplishing dramatic addition in wellness service coverage and decrease in out-of-pocket outgos. A survey done in Mamut state showed an betterment in the direction of wellness installations in footings of handiness of 24 service, handiness of equipments and supplies, supervisory visits and presence of wellness staffs when they are scheduled to be on responsibility. However, despite these successes, the wellness system administration and direction capacity at the provincial degree is limited therefore ensuing in the in-between degree directors at the territory degrees being supervised adequately by their several provincial managers. Resource coevals, allotment and direction: Cambodia ‘s wellness sector is being financed by Government grosss, external giver assistance and private ( out-of-the pocket payment ) .Government ‘s budget for wellness has increased significantly in recent old ages making $ 9.4 per capital in 2009, which is rather high in South-east Asia. External giver assistance is twice authorities gross, with the wellness sector extremely dependent on giver support. However despite the increasing investing in wellness finance from authorities budget and other external givers, private ( out-of-the pocket ) outgo still accounts for the largest part of wellness outgo which is spent on uncontrolled private wellness attention. Furthermore despite entire increased wellness outgo, cardinal wellness indexs are still weaker than in neighboring states that spend less money on wellness, the challenge nevertheless is more of allotment and effectual usage of financess instead than unequal fundss. Budget executing have improved in recent old ages with timely releases, nevertheless allotment of financess to the provincial and territory degrees tend to be really slow at the beginning of the twelvemonth due to the figure of blessing stairss that have to be met before the financess are disbursed. When the financess are eventually disbursed, wellness installations below the provincial degree do non hold a elaborate budget program and are non accountable for the usage of finance taking to uneffective usage of resources. The measure of wellness professionals is low with a low staff to population ratio of 1:1000 ; half of WHO ‘s recommendation. However compared to Sub-Saharan Africa, Cambodia has about twice the figure of physicians per population. However the chief challenge is deficit of wellness staffs in the rural countries particularly accoucheuses and nurses due to hapless staff reimbursement and besides the inadequate accomplishment and competency of wellness workers ensuing in uneffective bringing of wellness services. Main national and international influences and their effects on equity: The many old ages of war and political convulsion resulted in the limited wellness installations and wellness workers particularly in rural countries. However after the war, several wellness reforms were enacted in the countries of wellness funding, wellness coverage program and wellness direction which aimed at advancing equity, increasing coverage and cut downing urban-rural disparities in accessing wellness attention services. The wellness equity fund is being financed by the authorities and non -governmental organisations and has provided the hapless entree to liberate and quality wellness attention services. In a survey done in Kampong Cham the biggest state in Cambodia, the figure of bringings in wellness installations had increased by 28 % after the debut of the fund strategy and this accounted for 40 % of bringings among the hapless, therefore enabling hapless adult females who used to present at place with the aid of an unskilled traditional birth attender deliver in a wellness installations under the attention of a skilled birth attender. The wellness coverage policy resulted in the development of the territory based wellness attention system with the Reconstruction of wellness installations and territory, which were distributed harmonizing to population coverage ensuing in increased geographic entree to wellness installations particularly in the rural countries. However, due to the hapless wages and rewards of wellness workers, most of the wellness installations in the distant countries remain short-handed and under-utilized, ensuing in people seeking wellness services from traditional therapists and unqualified private service suppliers despite the available of the financess and wellness installations taking to high out-of the pocket disbursement and hapless wellness position of the people. External giver assistance plays a important function in funding wellness attention services, accounting for approximately 50 % of the entire wellness outgo. Donor ‘s support has contributed significantly in heightening wellness sector development taking to an betterment in the wellness of people of Cambodia particularly female parents and kids, which has resulted in decreased maternal and child mortality rates, reduced entire birthrate rates, improved nutritionary position among adult females and kids and a more effectual wellness system. However this support has been provided in a disintegrated mode which is ill aligned with authorities precedences despite attempts made with the Sector broad direction ( Swim ) procedure. Furthermore donor bureaus tend to work independent of each other, taking to disintegrated support of the wellness sector which is controlled by the giver ‘s precedences: which focus on four chief areas-HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, Maternal and Child wellness. Consequently ill aiming the demands of the hazard population and therefore pretermiting other facets of the wellness system where it is most needful. The wellness sector of Cambodia is extremely dependent on Donor support, ensuing in the non-governmental organisations playing a important function in policy devising and execution and act uponing the precedences of the heath sector which are curative- based with less accent on public wellness practises. Resulting in preventable diseases such as diarrhea, dandy fever febrility and vaccinum preventable diseases being the major causes of decease in Cambodia. Schemes for bettering administration agreement: The administration and direction capacity at the provincial degree should be improved through wellness system beef uping and capacity edifice attempts therefore increasing the capacity of the provincial managers to publish, design and supervise the activities of the assorted several territories. This would be implemented through edifice effectual co-ordination and coaction procedure between the provincial managers and private suppliers for effectual bringing of wellness attention services through regulative mechanisms. Schemes for bettering funding and human resource coevals, allotment and direction: The allotment and direction of fiscal resources to provincial and territory degrees should be improved through decentalisation of budgets and beef uping the system for tracking budgets and outgos. The decentalisation of budgets would ensue in the decrease of the figure of blessing stairss therefore bettering the eternity of budget allotment to provincial and territory degrees. Efficient direction of fiscal resources would be done through the formation of an efficient budgeting and scrutinizing system therefore doing wellness installations account for their usage of resources. The distribution of wellness professionals should be improved through deploying wellness professionals particularly accoucheuses and nurses to remote countries on contracts footing with inducements and bettering staff wage through rural allowances and installation based salary supplementation from user fees. In a long tally, the figure of wellness professionals in distant countries can be increased by acknowledging more pupils into schools and universities and deploying them to function in distant countries as a requirement to being for good registered, this scheme has worked with good consequences in Nigeria. The professional expertness and proficiency of wellness attention workers particularly accoucheuses and nurses should be improved through pre-service and in-service preparation which should be done quarterly with more accent on clinical and public wellness practises. This would ensue in improved public presentation and distribution of wellness attention workers therefore cut downing the inequalities in the wellness position of the people of Cambodia. Schemes for turn toing national and international influences and their effects on equity: The coordination of giver ‘s support should be improved through the sector broad attack procedure ( SWAP ) by alining the giver ‘s precedences and funding with the wellness sector precedences and beef uping the co-ordination of giver ‘s support and activities through pooling agreement therefore ensuing in efficient usage of resources towards accomplishing the National wellness sector ‘s marks. However strong authorities leading, political committedness, efficient direction organic structure and doing a policy to its consequence will be indispensable in doing the scheme accomplishable. The sector broad attack procedure would be implemented by doing it a constituent of the Health sector strategic program, which would be endorsed by all external givers, with a set of indexs which would be used for measuring the execution of the policy and the wellness sector ‘s advancement, set uping a codification of behavior which would be signed by the authorities and development spouses and organizing a sector co-ordination commission who would urge and inform the external givers of cardinal determinations related to the policies and precedences of the wellness sector. This attack has worked in Mozambique ; who has a similar context like Cambodia in footings of fragmented support by external givers, heavy trust on external giver assistance and station -conflict state of affairs with much success. The hapless wage and rewards of wellness attention workers particularly in distant countries should be improved through the usage of equity financess and user fees to supplement the wages of wellness workers. This would be implemented through the allotment of 60 % of the financess to be used in supplementing the rewards of wellness workers with conditions attached: which would include public presentation and figure of hours worked. This attack has been piloted with important success in Vietnam ensuing in wellness workers gaining more money by working in public rural wellness installations ensuing in an addition in the figure of wellness workers in those installations. Decision: The wellness position of the Cambodians has improved significantly since the post-war period. Two of the measurings used for specifying the quality of the wellness system-Infant and Child mortality rates have improved significiantly, nevertheless Maternal mortality has non improved significantly, staying a greater concern, though important advancement have been made in child wellness, maternal and generative wellness. Consequently beef uping of the wellness system in Cambodia is really important in bettering the efficiency and effectivity of wellness service bringing.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Global warming: a human impact Essay

According to Wikipedia the free encyclopedia, global warming was discovered by Joseph Fourier in 1824 and investigated quantitatively by Svante Arrhenius in 1896 and is stated as the warming of planet’s surface due to â€Å"emission of infrared radiation by atmospheric gases. † Thus global warming can be described as an increase in average temperature of the earth’s surface air and oceans in recent times and its predicted continuation. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) predicted a rise in temperatures by 1. 1 to 6. 4 ° C i. e. , 2. 0 to 11. 5 ° F between 1990 and 2100. The global average atmospheric temperatures near the earth’s surface rose from 0. 74  ± 0. 18 ° C i. e. , 1. 3  ± 0. 32 ° F in the last century. The general scientific opinion prevailing on the climatic change is that â€Å"most of the observed increase in globally averaged temperatures since the mid-20th century is very likely due to the observed increase in anthropogenic greenhouse gas concentrations. † Certain human activities such as burning of fossil fuels, deforestation and agricultural activities result in release of green house gases such as water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and ozone. Natural phenomenon such as solar temperature variations and volcanoes too had an impact on global warming. This rise in global temperatures has serious implications such as rise in sea levels, changes in pattern of precipitation thus leading to droughts, floods, heat waves, hurricanes, tornadoes and ice shelf disruption such as the Larsen Ice Shelf. Other implications could be variations in agricultural yields, glacier retreat, reduction in summer stream flows, extinction of species and increase in the range of disease vectors. Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) stated that global warming could also lead to â€Å"deadly heat waves and spread of disease. † Extreme heat waves in 2003 caused more than 20,000 deaths in Europe and over 1500 deaths in India. Dengue fever virus carrying mosquitoes survived previously at an altitude of 3,300 feet but recently they were found at 7,200 feet in Andes Mountains of Colombia, similarly malaria was detected at higher altitudes in Indonesia. Disease-carrying mosquitoes are spreading as climate shifts allow them to survive in formerly inhospitable areas. Mosquitoes that can carry dengue fever viruses were previously limited to elevations of 3,300 feet but recently appeared at 7,200 feet in the Andes Mountains of Colombia. Malaria has been detected in new higher-elevation areas in Indonesia. Wikipedia the free encyclopedia stated that more than 160countries signed the Kyoto Protocol an international agreement to combat global warming. The Kyoto Protocol is an amendment to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the countries ratifying this protocol are committed to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide and five other green house gases. Developing countries such as China and India which rank second and third largest CO2 behind the US are exempted from meeting the emission standards in this protocol. Increase in CO2 leads to its dissolution in ocean water and forming carbonic acid resulting into ocean acidification meaning a change in pH of ocean waters and consequently a total change in the eco-balance leading to disappearance to certain species of living forms in the ocean. According to the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), simple measures such as usage of renewable sources of energy like sunlight, wind, wave energy and replacement of decade old coal burning power plants with cleaner and efficient ones would curb the global pollution and help in reducing carbon dioxide pollution positively. Concluding the paper I would like to state that sincere efforts are required to made by the governments in countries like the US, China, India and Japan to minimize pollution with the help of governmental and non-governmental organizations for a better life to future generations. Works Cited Wikipedia the free encyclopedia. Global warming (2007). Page retrieved on March 8, 2007 from: http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Global_warming Wikipedia the free encyclopedia. Kyoto Protocol (2007). Page retrieved on March 8, 2007 from: http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Kyoto_Protocol Natural Resources Defense Council. Global Warming Basics (2007). Page retrieved on March 8, 2007 from: http://www. nrdc. org/globalWarming/f101. asp Natural Resources Defense Council. Consequences of Global Warming (2006). Page retrieved on March 8, 2007 from: http://www. nrdc. org/globalWarming/fcons. asp.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Prisoner Reentry in Michigan

The state of Michigan spends more money on jails and prisons than it does on education, but is this money well spent? The Michigan Prisoner ReEntry Initiative would suggest that it is. The MPRI is a collaborative effort that draws from the commitment of community groups, the Michigan Department of Corrections, and other state agencies. Launched in 2003 and expanded statewide in 2008, the initiative’s mission is to equip every released offender with tools to succeed in the community.The MPRI is a nationally recognized commitment to public safety that gives prisoners the tools they need to succeed in a process that begins when they enter prison and continues through parole and reintegration into the community. The MPRI has effectively reduced Michigan’s prison population, recidivism rate, and crime rate. (Figure 1) It has broken the cycle of soaring Corrections costs by investing in safe alternatives to costly and unnecessarily long stays in prisons.By breaking the cycle of crime and incarceration, the MPRI has managed to cut spending on prisons down by 293 million dollars annually, and although that may be the biggest benefit it is one of many. (1) The number one goal of the MPRI is to reduce crime. It does that by better preparing parolees before they return to the community, making smarter decisions about who is released and when, and providing enhanced supervision and services in the community. It ensures what Lansing Prison Warden Kenneth McKee calls â€Å"a game plan for success,† which includes a team of supporters from the community who will help them carry out the plan. 1) MPRI begins at intake, when a prisoner’s risk, needs and strengths are measured to develop individualized programming. Prior to parole, offenders are transferred to a reentry facility, and a transition plan, which addresses employment, housing, transportation, mentoring, counseling and any necessary treatment for mental illness or addictions, is finalized in close collaboration with community service providers. After release, officers use firm but flexible graduated sanctions- including short stays in a reentry center if needed-to manage rule breaking before it escalates to more serious transgressions.All correctional jargon aside, the basic message remains; you can’t put offenders back into the situation and lifestyle they came from before prison and expect the outcome to be different. This is where â€Å"reentry† comes into play. (2) The MPRI was built in three phases to create seamless transitions back into society. Phase one is the â€Å"getting ready† phase. This phase begins the day the prisoner enters the prison. It starts at the reception center with a comprehensive assessment of each prisoner’s risk factors, needs and strengths.A Transition Accountability Plan is formed to determine the services the prisoner will need to prepare them for life after prison. This plan also establishes a set of expecta tions for the prisoner and how well they adhere to the plan weighs heavily in decisions made by the Parole and Commutation Board. Phase two is the â€Å"going home† phase. This phase begins about two months before the prisoners expected release date. During this phase, prisoners identified as needing more intensive preparation and support are transferred to an â€Å"in-reach† center, a prison closer to home.This helps set the stage for a smooth and successful transition. The focus during this phase is also to help the prisoner find work and become â€Å"employable† as well as setting up stable housing. Depending on their needs, prisoners are linked with community services such as substance abuse treatment, mental health services, or sex offender therapy. The conventional role of a parole officer is transformed to a case manager in an effort to help the transition team get a support system in place.When the parole date arrives the prisoner is armed with a structu re and support network in place to help them succeed. Lastly, phase three is called the â€Å"staying home† phase. As opposed to a decade ago where parolees were released on a Friday and had a weekend or more to get into trouble before their first meeting with their parole agent, they are now released earlier in the week and they promptly meet with their parole agent and service providers. This first meeting is used to establish job leads, assist with resumes, ensure medical assistance if needed and identify stable housing. 1) This transformation of Michigan’s corrections system has been remarkable, but it did not happen overnight. Over the course of eight years the MPRI has moved from an idea of fixing a broken system to a comprehensive strategy that is changing the nature of prisons. In doing this the MDOC has created many employment opportunities for positions such as parole agents, corrections officers, teachers and case managers. The transformation has also change d the way former prisoners view people in these positions.Grand Raids police officer Terry Dixon runs a weekly support group for MPRI participants and says that â€Å"Many are looking at police officers in a new way, as supporters. † (1) The MPRI is constantly meeting challenges; one of the largest being special needs prisoners. Those include youths, the medically fragile, those with mental health issues and sex offenders. Before the MPRI, says Michigan Parole and Commutation Board Chairwoman Barbara Sampson, parole board members were reluctant to grant parole to the mentally ill because they knew services were not in place to help them succeed.Now, she said, the transition accountability plans are designed to ensure a smooth transition to the community. Similarly, she said, effective new treatment programs are in place for sex offenders. (1) The $56 million spent on the MPRI in fiscal year 2011 is substantial, but it is only a small fraction of the $2 billion Michigan Depart ment of Corrections budget, and it is paying back dividends in public safety and reducing the prison population.The rate of parolees returning to prison for new crimes or technical violations is at its lowest level since record keeping began 23 years ago. Even though there are more parolees, the number returning to prison for new crimes fell from 2. 020 in 2006 to a projected 1,836 in 2010. Michigan’s prison population grew by nearly 500% between 1973 and 2003, consuming a much greater share of tax payer dollars. The number of prisoners has safely declined by almost 7,500 since March of 2007 and is at its lowest level since 1999.As a result the state has been able to close 14 correctional facilities. (1) It is important to recognize what the MPRI is and what it is not. It is not a magic potion that will eliminate crime. It is also not an early release program. Every parolee has served at least the minimum court imposed sentence. MPRI is a strategy that pulls together the stat e, the community, police, mentors, therapists, and others to give each returning prisoner a game plan for success.Former Saint Clair County Community College professor Michael Berro explains the MPRI bottom line as being â€Å"the understanding that the majority of felony offenders will return to our community. We should prepare them for it so they don’t end up back here, spending our tax dollars again. † (3) Michigan may be spending more money on jails and prisons than it does on education, but consider the effect the MPRI has had on repeat criminal offenses, inmates in prison and the general crime rate. It has successfully managed to lower all three.When the state’s budget is squeezed by declining tax revenue, and areas of spending are under question, it seems the success of a government funded program couldn’t come at a better time. WORKS SITED 1. Michigan Department of Corrections. (2010). Michigan Prisoner ReEntry Initiative 2010 Progress Report. Lan sing: Public Policy Associates, Inc. 2. Wesoloski, E. (2011, April 15). Pew Center Report Lauds Michigan Prisoner Reentry Initiative. Prisons and Prisoners, p. 1. 3. Berro, M. (2006, March 13). Former Maccomb County Parole Supervisor, College Professor. (R. Spangler, Interviewer)

Saturday, September 14, 2019

“Angela’s Ashes” by Frank McCourt Essay

The autobiography Angela’s Ashes by Frank McCourt tells the life of the McCourt family while living in poverty in Limerick, Ireland during the 1930’s and 1940’s. Frank McCourt relates his difficult childhood to the reader up until the time he leaves for America at the age of nineteen. Angela’s Ashes has many prevailing themes, but one of the most notable is the settings relationship to the family. The setting of the book ultimately influences the choices and lifestyle of the McCourt family in many ways. Living in poverty and not being able to meet basic needs leads the characters to result to desperate measures, such incidents as stopping Frank McCourt’s education and taking a job to support the family. Frank is forced to take the job mostly because his father is an alcoholic and uses all the money to buy beer instead of feeding his family. Frank describes this pattern of drinking away the money by saying † when dad comes home with the drink smell there is no money and Mom screams at him till the twins cry†(42). This situation lasts until Mr.McCourt leaves to work in England and is never heard from again which forces Frank to take a job at fourteen years old. Frank takes on the role of the head of the family proudly and comments † Its hard to sleep when you know the next day you’re fourteen and starting your first job as a man†(309). Frank’s ability to provide financial stability leads to greater comfort and living conditions for his fami ly. The members of the McCourt family are also forced to beg and steal in order to help the family’s well being. Mrs.McCourt begs charities especially the St.Vincent de Paul Society for help with basic necessities for the family such as food, clothing, and furniture. Mrs.McCourt is even forced to beg for the family’s Christmas dinner. The butcher who she begs to tells her † What you can now missus, Is black pudding and tripe or a sheep’s head or a pig’s head†(97). Mrs.McCourt reluctantly accepted the pig’s head and is ridiculed walking home with it. Also, the children are forced to pick up scraps of coal for the fire from the road on Christmas Day. Frank describes the children’s humiliation by saying, † Even the poorest of the poor don’t go out Christmas Day picking coal off the road†(99). Despite Frank McCourt’s horrid poverty, tiresome starvation and devastating losses, Angela’s Ashes is not a tragic memoir. It is in fact up lifting, funny and at times triumphant. â€Å"When I look back on my childhood I wonder how I managed to survive at all. It was, of course, a miserable child hood: the happy childhood is hardly worth your while. Worse than the ordinary miserable childhood Is the miserable Irish childhood, and worse yet is the miserable Irish Catholic childhood†, writes Frank McCourt of his early life Although Frank McCourt’s autobiography, Angela’s Ashes, paints a picture of both terrible poverty and struggles, this text is appealing and up lifting because of its focus on both humor and hope. McCourt’s text shows the determination people living in dreadful conditions must have in order to rise above their situations and make better lives for themselves and their families. The effect of the story, although often distressing and sad, is not depressing. Frank as the young narrator describes his life events without bitterness, anger, or blame. Poverty and hardship are treated simply as if they are a fact of life, an d in spite of the hard circumstances, many episodes during the novel are hilarious. Frank McCourt was born in Brooklyn in 1930, just after the beginning of the Great Depression. During this time, millions of people around the world were unemployed and struggling to survive. Franks father, Malachy McCourt, struggled to obtain work and lost it easily due to his alcoholism. His mother, Angela McCourt, being a good catholic wife produced five babies in four years, leaving her unable to provide the most basic care for her children. When the baby, Margaret, died due to the shocking living conditions in Brooklyn, Angela subsided into clinical depression, which went untreated. Other women in the building where the McCourt’s lived looked after the children until Angela’s cousins arranged for the family to return to Ireland. Life in Limerick was considerably poorer, with a less supportive population than Brooklyn. The McCourt’s lived in a succession of substandard flats and houses characterized by poor sanitation and lack of electricity. The family  had so little furniture that they shared beds, with no sheets or blankets. When Malachy McCourt took his family back to an impoverished Ireland he chose to live in the south, where he was discriminated against because of his northern name and accent. He was unable to find work and when he finally did it was too late. He had become an alcoholic, unable to control his drinking and conform to the demands of a job. This meant that his family was reduced to existence on the dole and as a result, his children starved, and were forced to pick coal up from the side of the road in order to keep the fire burning. When Malachy left for work in England he sent no money home and Angela was forced to beg for food. In these terrible situations two more of her child ren died, Angela was hospitalized with a miscarriage and pneumonia, while Frank was hospitalized with typhoid fever and conjunctivitis. Survival for the family was clearly difficult and life only improved when Frank found full time employment as a telegram boy. His sense of responsibility guided him to give his mother his wages in order to support the family. Life in Limerick was often associated with humor. A lot of laughter derived from religious practices such as taking the wafer at mass. Since the wafer regularly stuck to peoples tongues, the boys at school had to practice sucking pieces of newspaper, sticking their tongues out for the teachers. The sins that the children confessed were also often sources of humor for the priests, and when grandma’s demand to know if she should clean Franks vomit up with Holy Water is pure mockery. â€Å"bless me father for I have sinned, its been a minute since my last confession†, becomes a sarcastic comment on Grandma’s ignorance. Poverty itself reduced the family to other slapstick situations. Pious Grandma’s deliberate lie to the real estate agent when she denied that there had ever been two rooms upstairs in Angela’s house has a savage humor in light of her piety. For the children Grandma was often the source of unintentional humor from the moment they heard he r accent. There is humor in the situations caused by Roman Catholic censorship. On one occasion Frank is evicted from the public library for reading a book about sex left on the table. The irony here is he really wanted to read Butlers  Life of the Saints but was enticed by a book that shocked the librarian. From an early age Frank promised to support his family. To do this he dreamed of returning to America. During the novel there was discussion between Frank and his father about the difference in economies of the two countries when his father discussed this over the paper he encouraged him to get a good job in the land of opportunity. These discussions were placed in the context of the English oppression of Ireland. It is the symbols associated with New York that really sustained Franks dream over the years. The images of the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island which he kept as he left New York as a small boy were so clear that he recognized them on his trip back. McCourt’s hope of a better future was shared by his father, brother Malachy and hisUncle Pa Sheehan. However, it was Frank that had the determination to work at any job available and to save money even id his family starved, in order to make the dream real. There is no magic in Angela’s Ashes. Poverty and despair are cured by both hard work and breaking the law. Not everything that Frank did to save his fare was honorable, but his choices were made with long term goals in mind. Angela’s Ashes depicts unrelenting poverty and the terrible consequences for individuals living in dirtiness. However, Frank McCourt shows that there is always humor in life, no matter how desperate the situation is. Combined with this is the hope that sustained McCourt and drove him to seek a better life in the USA.